Friday, 16 December 2016

The Many Mini Miracles of a Mumuland Christmas

Just before 11pm last night I was on my porch, testing zip ties to determine if they would be too loud at that hour. Satisfied the zip of each tie wouldn't wake neighbors, I set about just one of many odd holiday traditions in & around Mumuland, my little house.
This year instead of driving stakes into the ground, I zip-tied them to each of my fence posts so the row of red metal poinsettia pinwheels is a foot above the top of the fence, more visible than last year's ground-based system.
 After I finished with the 10 pinwheels, I stood back to admire their addition to the 4 insanely LED-lit tomato cage Christmas trees & the 6 1/2' live tree on the porch, & realized with the other lights & ornaments I plan to add tonight, I've officially jumped over the 'Crazy Christmas Lady' line with both feet.
I was outside my fence, trying to get the neighbors' perspective of the spectacle
when I saw freshly shaven Mu bounding through the yard like a deranged spring rabbit. She was zooming downhill inside the confines of the fence & I thought 'cat,' but turning my view to the area where I'd just finished the poinsettias, I saw something else bounding downhill, outside the fence & exactly where I was just fooling with pinwheels.  In motion I can't tell a buck from a doe, but I do know it was the biggest deer I had seen on this island. Mu was so startled she forgot to bark, & I just stood there, grinning idiotically with no one to show & tell, much like when I wave at the passing International Space Station.
Wishing you a season of wonder & surprising joy!